Profile Computational Linguistics
What is the field of study about?
Typical study contents of the profile Computational Linguistics are:
- Linguistics
- Creation and use of language resources
- Information Modeling and Standards
- Research Data in Linguistics: Digital Texts, Dictionaries and Audio-visual Voice Recording
- Corpus linguistics in theory and practice
- Statistics, Machine Learning and Data Science for Language Data
- Artificial Intelligence and Speech Processing
What do the Computational Linguistics in Cologne do?
The field of study Computational Linguistics is supported by the chair "Linguistic Information Processing" of the Institute for Digital Humanities. Research focuses on text mining, machine learning, text technology, digital humanities, information modeling, corpus linguistics and markup languages.
What are the prerequisites?
In addition to the general requirements, your undergraduate studies must have a decidedly computer-linguistic component. Basic knowledge of a programming language (e.g. Java or Python) is strongly encouraged, although not mandatory. A willingness to familiarise oneself with software technology tools is a prerequisite.
What is the field of study not about?
Applicants should be aware that the Master's programme is not a Master's programme in "Computational Linguistics" but a Master's programme in "Linguistics" with a focus on "Computational Linguistics". In the Linguistics Master's programme, computational linguistics is one of a total of 13 focal points. Due to the constellation of the Master's programme, the focus of the programme is on linguistic education (empirical methods, theories and models, other linguistic topics). The computer linguistic part itself makes up only about a quarter of the study programme. The last quarter falls into the area of the Master's thesis.
Which modules is the field of study principally involved in?